Therefore, if you are an Oracle administrator of databases in AIX servers it's a good practice to be aware of memory configuration and usage, and maybe help a bit your fellow sysadmin just in case. The important parameters to check are the minimum and maximum percentage of RAM for file caching purposes (minperm% and maxperm%):
root:myserver> vmstat -v
2621440 memory pages
2525761 lruable pages
180000 free pages
4 memory pools
647419 pinned pages
80.0 maxpin percentage
20.0 minperm percentage
80.0 maxperm percentage
24.8 numperm percentage
627654 file pages
0.0 compressed percentage
0 compressed pages
24.8 numclient percentage
25.0 maxclient percentage
627654 client pages
0 remote pageouts scheduled
58246 pending disk I/Os blocked with no pbuf
10544297 paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf
2228 filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
805 client filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
2215609 external pager filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
0 Virtualized Partition Memory Page Faults
0.00 Time resolving virtualized partition memory page faults
As you can see in this example, there is a lot of minimum memory allotted for file caching (20%) and wasted because Oracle caching is better for Oracle databases than operating system caching, but you can't assign that 20% RAM space to Oracle unless you change the virtual memory AIX parameters.
Moreover, the maximum memory reserved for file caching is limited by the maxclient percentage (25%) so in this system you can use up to 25% of RAM for file caching of non-JFS filesystem files and the other 55% for caching files of JFS filesystems. You can check JFS memory pages usage with this command:
root:myserver> svmon -G
size inuse free pin virtual
memory 2621440 2442500 178940 647452 2186997
pg space 5373952 925157
work pers clnt other
pin 562525 0 0 84927
in use 1734676 0 707824
PageSize PoolSize inuse pgsp pin virtual
s 4 KB - 2326020 925157 571068 2070517
m 64 KB - 7280 0 4774 7280
You might notice that there are 0 pages used for JFS file caching (pers), and that might be because there are no JFS file systems in this server:
root:myserver> mount
node mounted mounted over vfs date options
-------- --------------- --------------- ------ ------------ ---------------
/dev/hd1 / jfs2 Jun 05 19:09 rw,log=/dev/hd8
/dev/hd2 /usr jfs2 Jun 05 19:09 rw,log=/dev/hd8
/dev/hd5 /var jfs2 Jun 05 19:10 rw,log=/dev/hd8
/dev/hd3 /tmp jfs2 Jun 05 19:10 rw,log=/dev/hd8
/dev/hd4 /home jfs2 Jun 05 19:11 rw,log=/dev/hd8
/proc /proc procfs Jun 05 19:11 rw
/dev/hd6 /opt jfs2 Jun 05 19:11 rw,log=/dev/hd8
/dev/fslv00 /myfs jfs2 Jun 05 19:11 rw,log=/dev/loglv00
IBM recommends setting the parameters as follows:
maxperm = 90%
maxclient = 90%
minperm = 3%
More information:
Tuning the AIX file caches
Overview of AIX page replacement
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