Monday, October 3, 2011

Installing TimesTen 11g

In this post we will learn how to install Oracle TimesTen 11g, an in-memory database for applications that need very short response times.

First you have to download TimesTen according to your platform; in this post we will install TimesTen in a Linux Red Hat 64 bit server.

After downloading it you have to create (as root) an user and a group for TimesTen, and also create the /etc/TimesTen directory to hold some configuration files needed:

[root@myserver /]# groupadd timesten
[root@myserver /]# useradd -c "TimesTen" -d /TimesTen -m -g timesten timesten
[root@myserver /]# passwd timesten
Changing password for user timesten.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@myserver /]# mkdir /etc/TimesTen
[root@myserver /]# chown timesten:timesten /etc/TimesTen

Next you have to place the donwloaded file in the server, login as timesten and uncompress the installation file:

[timesten@myserver ~]$ tar -zxvf timesten112180.linux8664.tar.gz
[timesten@myserver ~]$ cd linux8664/
[timesten@myserver linux8664]$ ls -la
total 404
drwxrwxr-x 5 timesten timesten 4096 Feb 2 2011 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 timesten timesten 4096 Oct 3 12:37 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 timesten timesten 4096 Feb 2 2011 3rdparty
drwxrwxr-x 2 timesten timesten 4096 Feb 2 2011 doc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 timesten timesten 241188 Feb 2 2011
drwxr-xr-x 2 timesten timesten 4096 Feb 2 2011 LINUX8664
-rwxr--r-- 1 timesten timesten 95771 Feb 2 2011 README.html
-rwxr-xr-x 1 timesten timesten 5623 Feb 2 2011
-rwxr-xr-x 1 timesten timesten 34313 Feb 2 2011

You can safely install TimesTen running the script with just the default answers, as you can see here:

[timesten@myserver linux8664]$ ./

NOTE: Each TimesTen installation is identified by a unique instance name.
The instance name must be a non-null alphanumeric string, not longer
than 255 characters.

Please choose an instance name for this installation? [ tt1121 ]
Instance name will be 'tt1121'.
Is this correct? [ yes ]

Of the three components:

[1] Client/Server and Data Manager
[2] Data Manager Only
[3] Client Only

Which would you like to install? [ 1 ]

Of the following options :

[1] /TimesTen
[2] /TimesTen/inst
[3] Specify a location
[q] Quit the installation

Where would you like to install the tt1121 instance of TimesTen? [ 1 ]
Where would you like to create the daemon home directory? [ /TimesTen/tt1121/info ]

The daemon logs will be located in /TimesTen/tt1121/info
Would you like to specify a different location for the daemon logs? [ no ]
Installing into /TimesTen/tt1121 ...
Uncompressing ...

NOTE: If you are configuring TimesTen for use with Oracle Clusterware, the
daemon port number must be the same across all TimesTen installations
managed within the same Oracle Clusterware cluster.

NOTE: All installations that replicate to each other must use the same daemon
port number that is set at installation time. The daemon port number can
be verified by running 'ttVersion'.

The default port number is 53388.

Do you want to use the default port number for the TimesTen daemon? [ yes ]
The daemon will run on the default port number (53388).

NOTE: For security, we recommend that you restrict access to the
TimesTen installation to members of a single OS group. Only members of
that OS group will be allowed to perform direct mode connections to
TimesTen, and only members of that OS group will be allowed to perform
operations that access TimesTen data stores, TimesTen files and shared
memory. The OS group defaults to the primary group of the instance
administrator. You can default to this group, choose another OS group
or you can make this instance world-accessible. If you choose to make
this instance world-accessible, all database files and shared memory
are readable and writable by all users.

Restrict access to the the TimesTen installation to the group 'timesten'? [ yes ]

NOTE: Enabling PL/SQL will increase the size of some TimesTen libraries.

Would you like to enable PL/SQL for this instance? [ yes ]

In order to use the 'In-Memory Database Cache' feature in any databases
created within this installation, you must set a value for the TNS_ADMIN
environment variable. It can be left blank, and a value can be supplied later
using (install_dir)/bin/ttModInstall.

Please enter a value for TNS_ADMIN (s=skip)? [ ] s

NOTE: It appears that you are running version 4.1 of the g++
compiler. TimesTen ships with multiple sets of client libraries and server
binaries : one built for compatibility with g++ 3.4.6 and one with
g++ 4.1.0. The installer has created links to the 4.1.0 library in the
(install_dir)/lib directory and to the 4.1.0 server binary in the
(install_dir)/bin directory. If you want to use a different compiler,
please modify the links to point to the desired library and server binary.

Installing server components ...
What is the TCP/IP port number that you want the TimesTen Server to listen on? [ 53389 ]

At this point you can choose to install the TimesTen documentation and example database; if you want to use this installation as a learning environment or to check if your installation was fine, it would be better to install the documentation and example database.

Do you want to install QuickStart and the TimesTen Documentation? [ no ] yes
Where would you like to install the quickstart and doc directories (s=skip)? [ /TimesTen/tt1121 ]

The TimesTen Quickstart applications can take up to 64 Mbytes of disk space.
Depending on how your system is configured, you may not want to create the
QuickStart DemoDataStore directory in the default location,

Where would you like to create the DemoDataStore directory? [ /TimesTen/tt1121/info ]
Creating /TimesTen/tt1121/info/DemoDataStore ...

Installing client components ...

At this point the installation is almost finished:

Would you like to use TimesTen Replication with Oracle Clusterware? [ no ]

NOTE: The TimesTen daemon startup/shutdown scripts have not been installed.

Run the 'setuproot' script :
cd /TimesTen/tt1121/bin
./setuproot -install
This will move the TimesTen startup script into its appropriate location.

The startup script is currently located here :

The Quickstart home page can be accessed here :

The Release Notes are located here :

Starting the daemon ...
TimesTen Daemon startup OK.
End of TimesTen installation.

After the setup script finishes you will find that the TimesTen daemons are up and running:

[timesten@myserver linux8664]$ ps ax|grep TimesTen
14186 ? Sl 0:00 /TimesTen/tt1121/bin/timestend -initfd 13
14189 ? Sl 0:00 /TimesTen/tt1121/bin/timestensubd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 1000000 -facility user
14190 ? Sl 0:00 /TimesTen/tt1121/bin/timestensubd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 1000001 -facility user
14191 ? Sl 0:00 /TimesTen/tt1121/bin/timestensubd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 1000002 -facility user
14192 ? Sl 0:00 /TimesTen/tt1121/bin/timestensubd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 1000003 -facility user
14201 ? Sl 0:00 /TimesTen/tt1121/bin/ttcserver -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 1000004 -p 53389 -facility user -group timesten
14692 pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep TimesTen

And if you installed the database examples then you could check your installation loggin into an example database:

[timesten@myserver linux8664]$ export PATH=$PATH:/TimesTen/tt1121/bin
[timesten@myserver linux8664]$ ttIsql -connStr "DSN=sampledb_1121"

Copyright (c) 1996-2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.

connect "DSN=sampledb_1121";
Connection successful: DSN=sampledb_1121;UID=timesten;DataStore=/TimesTen/tt1121/info/DemoDataStore/sampledb_1121;DatabaseCharacterSet=US7ASCII;ConnectionCharacterSet=US7ASCII;DRIVER=/TimesTen/tt1121/lib/;PermSize=40;TempSize=32;TypeMode=0;
(Default setting AutoCommit=1)
Command> exit

Finally, if you want to start TimesTen services on server startup you can run as root the setuproot script:

[root@myserver /]# cd /TimesTen/tt1121/bin/
[root@myserver bin]# ./setuproot -install
Would you like to install the TimesTen daemon startup scripts into /etc/init.d? [ yes ]
Copying /TimesTen/tt1121/startup/tt_tt1121 to /etc/init.d

Successfully installed the following scripts :

That's it! You have a brand-new Oracle TimesTen installation ready to use; also, you might like to add the TimesTen bin path to your PATH environment variable.

More information:

TimesTen In-Memory Database Documentation

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